My words get jumbled when I try to express my love and appreciation for Aunt Zelda.
I always called her Aunt Zelda which she and I loved. I got the "I like this girl" when there were a bunch of us at lunch and I said "gendershmender" about something. After that we were bonded. She would call every week to find out how her great nephew, Hayden, who is almost three, was doing. Every week we'd give her an update, she'd check up to see if his cold was better, how his talking was coming along, to just send loving over the phone.
When she came to town or we'd make the trek back to LA, she would hold my hand, look in my eyes and tell me how she adored me and of course, Hayden. She always made me feel strong and powerful even if I didn't feel like that before she smiled at me. I still feel the love of Aunt Zelda around me. She is with us all.
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